Curriculum vitae
Dr. med. Werner Ch. Nawrocki
- born 1946 (aries)
- studies of Medicine, Psychology, Philosophy
- privat medical office for naturopathy, homoeopathy and mental-training since 1974 in Frankfurt/Main
- 1o years teacher for general medicine at the Unversity of Frankfurt/Main
- private research laboratry
- organiser and manager of the 1.-5. World Meditation Event in Frankfurt/Main
- international patent
- general manager, president and owner of the Alpha & Omega Cosmetics and Media Company in Frankfurt/ Main
- manager and scientif. director of Alchemica GmbH
- CEO YIMin Ltd., Quangzhou, China
- trained in Global SCaling
- lectures and seminars in Australia,USA, Kanada, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Austria since many years with the following themes:
-- metaphysical philosophy
-- Hermetic Philosophy
-- Alchemy (mental and physical ( labwork ) )
-- Symbolism of Human body and desease
-- Fasting, silence and meditation
-- Concentration -, memory - and creativity -training
-- Synesis - consciousness - training - Many interviews in broadcasting and TV ( 3nach Neun, NDR 3,HR3, HR4, FFH, Schweizer Fernsehen, 3 Sat, SWF1 )
- publications in books like "Vision 2000" about "Medizin 2000" and "Alchemy" in the Esoteric Handbook
and "Healing-Meditation " and" Spiritual-Healing" in "Documentation of the special therapy - and natural healing systems in Europe
- bookauthor : "Transformation - the secret of the world" (published in german, russian, spanish - not yet in english), 1995
- bookauthor: " Transformation -online", 2011
- Picture 1: Dr. Werner Ch. Nawrocki
- Picture 2: Dr.Werner Ch.Nawrocki in the TV Show "III after Nine"
- Picture 3: Expertenrunde bei der Premiere des Films in Frankfurt/Main: "What the bleep do we know"
v.l.n.r..: Dr.W.Ch.Nawrocki, Rainer Dunkel, Susanne Leithoff, Prof. Dr. Senkowski